Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Literary Devices in Antigone (Journal 9)

Setting: "Fighting on opposite sides, the sons of Oedipus, Eteocles and Polynices, have killed each other in combat" (59). Right from the start of the play we see a negative setting set. Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus, the man destined to live a cursed life, along with that her two brothers have just died fighting each other in a war in Thebes. This setting will probably add to the tragic elements in the story later on.

Symbol: "Great eye of the golden day [...]" (65) The eye is used as a symbol for the sun. Along with that there are some other positive words surrounding it such as "great" and "golden". This holds a positive connotation to the sun. The sun could possibly be a symbol of hope and change for the story.

Repetition: "Seven captains marshaled at seven gates seven against their equals, gave their brazen trophies up to Zeus [...]" (66) In Thebes there is a legend about seven warriors so the repetition of the word seven may also be an allusion to them. This creates a violent mood as the Chorus who said this line usually foreshadows future events.

Foreshadowing: "You're wrong from the start, you're off on a hopeless quest" (64). Ismene tells Antigone about her actions and how they will not be fruitful. This line could possibly foreshadow certain events in Antigone's life, most likely a negative event.

Conflict: "[...] I swear to Zeus as I still believe in Zeus, if you don't find the man who buried that corpse, the very man, and produce him before my eyes, simple death won't be enough for you [...] (74) Creon threatens to kill the sentry if the person who buried Oedipus's son's body is not found. This shows how there is a conflict already with Creon and Antigone (the protagonist in the story and the person who buried the body).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this! Helped me study for my English final.

    -maria :)
