Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Antigone 4 Literary Techniques (Journal 13)

Repetition: "He will do what he has to do, and we will do what we have to do" (11). The repetition of the word "do" shows how Antigone and Creon have different view points on the subject at hand. They will act on their own thoughts and this foreshadows future events.

Metaphor: "Wasn't I a miserable little beast when we were small?" (10). Antigone used to think of herself as a little beast when she was small. This gives us some background information on her past and shows how she thinks about her self.

Simile: "[...] clawing away like a hyena [...]" (25). Antigone is again described as an animal. She is also being related to a hyena, a wild dog that is very aggressive. This simile gives us insight on how Antigone might behave if she does not get her way.

Hyperbole: "A thousand arms will seize our arms. A thousand breaths will breathe into our faces" (12). Ismene tells Antigone how she feels about the situation and how Creon might react if they disobey his law. This hyperbole shows how fearful Ismene is of Creon, this also shows a difference in the characters of Ismene and Antigone because they might react differently to this law.

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