Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dystopian Novel Journal C (Brave New World)

There are many disturbing scenes through out Brave New World that would appal many people today in our world. Everything in Brave New World has been planned out already. There is no freedom to choose what you want to become in your life because you are already conditioned to a certain class. The social ranking system in Brave New World is also very distinct. People are conditioned into a certain rank by how much oxygen they receive and how much education they get. This creates a highly organized and highly separate system when it comes to people in this book. In this book it seems that Huxley criticizes the use of machines and scientific advancements, one being the Bokanvosky, in which up to 96 identical identical twins are formed. He also seems to criticize the social ranking system because it is so hard to move up in the social latter in this book. Huxley also denounces the use of soma, a powerful drug that causes people to feel extremely happy, some people have also died from this. Even though the ideas presented in Brave New World may seem absurd to us today if we ever get to the books level technology wise it may be a serious idea. Huxley also gives us the out look on the "savages". This group of people live much like us and seem to be happier with their lives. It seems that Huxley gives us two view points in this book, one of the highly technological and planned group and one like our present day group.

Word Count: 261

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