Friday, February 13, 2009

Three Literary Techniques

Page 122.
"When the fellow began to pick the box the people begin to come from east, west, north and Australia."
This is an exaggeration of what literally happened in the book, the person playing the guitar is so good that people from all over the world would come and listen to him, the part where Hurston added Australia helps make this a hyperbole since Australia is very far away from Florida. In reality people would not travel this far but travelling that far highlights his playing ability.

Page 116
"Hurry up and come because he was about to turn into pure sugar thinking about her."
Tea Cake and Sugar do not have much in common but Hurston ties them togeather in the idea that they are both sweet. They are sweet in different ways (sugar tastes sweet and Tea Cake behaves sweetly towards Janie) but Hurston's word play can be spotted in this cleverly written sentence.

Page 136
"A little seed of fear was growing into a tree."
This sentence comes right after the part where Janie feels jealousy since another woman is constantly around Tea Cake. This symbol is perfect for this part of the book because Janie's fear started out very small and now it is growing into a large tree, this shows how Janie's fear for losing Tea Cake to another woman is constantly expanding into something larger.

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